Thursday, November 15, 2007


Wesley and I wanted to get a 4d ultrasound with Madyson, but didn't know where to go. We've talked about it with this baby as well. A friend at work told me her gynecologist office had a sign saying they were having a special on 4d ultrasounds. I called today to find out more information. it's our luck you have to be a patient. I wasn't to busy at work so i hopped online and did a google search. I found a place in Montgomery (not to far for you whores out of state reading) that did them as long as you were receiving prenatal care from somewhere. They had a nice little website that I was able to get info from. They have several packages to choice from and suggest you have the ultrasound between weeks 24-36. Wesley and I had talked about getting it done for our anniversary, which works out to be about week 27. I didn't call to schedule it, but wrote all the information down. I'll call a little closer to time.

I also called about daycare today, cause I kept getting conflicting information about how early to call. The owner was not there, but I left a message. Our previous arrangements have fell through, but luckily we have plenty of time.

My next blog will be with the news of the sex of the baby!! stay tuned next week for the exciting news!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

it's been a while

Sorry about that. I haven't been such a good little blogger. I'll try to do better. I had a check-up with the doctor today. I actually saw Dr. Ellis (he delivered Madyson) instead of Dr. Bowen. Everything is going good. We listened to the heartbeat and heard a little movement. Dr. Ellis said I should be feeling movement in the next few weeks. I think I have felt a kick here or there at night, but am not sure. I go Wednesday for a triple screen blood test, which test for downs, trisomy 18, and I don't remember the 3rd thing. They will also do a fasting blood sugar screen that day. We will have an ultrasound the week of Thanksgiving to find out the sex. Yea for knowing before the big shopping trip!! That's all for now.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Monday's appt

I found out nothing! I didn't even see the doctor. I had my blood work repeated and my level is above 2000 now. They scheduled an ultrasound for next week and I see the doctor the next week. It is a bit upsetting to not have seen the doctor yet, but he is the professional and knows best. Or at least we hope he does! I'll update next week.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

nothing new

Not much to update on at this point on my Journey. I've been getting a little nauseous this time around, usually around lunch time. It doesn't help that they are removing carpet and putting in tile all around our office. The glue smell makes me nauseous feeling. Hopefully they'll be done around my office and move on down the hall soon. That's about it for now. More later.....

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

exciting news

I'm expecting!! I got confirmation today. I was suppose to start my period last Friday. I have always been very regular. Beth and I were going to Michele's to have drinks and plan Ashley's baby shower. Because I was suppose to start and had not, I ran into Fred's while we were next door at the liquor store. I took the test when we got to Michele's and it was very faint positive. It was so faint that we were not even sure it was a positive. To be safe I did not partake. The test I bought had two test in it. I took the second test on Sunday with the same faint results. I tried to call the doctor that replaced my old ob/gyn all day Monday, with no luck. I talked to my aunt that works in the Opp Hospital and she found out that Dr. Bowen is out of town this week. I had decided I wouldn't know for sure until next week. Well I get an email from my Aunt Stacy today sayin that Dr. Bowen's nurse was in and could order a blood test. So I go to Opp during my lunch hour and have the test done. I call later to find out my Hg (pregnancy hormone level) was only in the 100 range. Dr. Bowen wants it to be in the 2000 range before he does an ultrasound. I think I remember from when I was pregnant with Madyson that the number is suppose to double every day. Anyway by September 10th I should have a high enough number. I'll go back for the repeat blood work and if my number is high enough, I'll see the doctor. According to the due date calculators I used online, I'll be due around the end of April.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

We miss you Kem

A friend from high school posted a blog today pointing out that one of our fellow classmates went missing 10 years ago today. Actually as I type this she was being seen for the last time. I believe it was about 10 pm that she was last seen. We were 4 or so days from starting our senior year when we found out. Our little town was in turmoil. We were all scared to death. Of course the rumors were flying. Eventually the FBI were called in. They even did a Unsolved Mysteries show about her disappearance. We started our Senior year with a bit of sadness, but knew we had to continue. Everything we did through out the year we remembered Kem and continued to hope we would see her walking through the high school hall. Her mom went on the Montel show and talked with Sylvia Brown. I don't know what came of this, but apparently nothing much. There were several different leads that were investigated through out the year. As graduation approached we still knew nothing. We planted a tree on the school grounds so that others would know about Kem and how much we loved and missed her. Anytime we wore our caps/gowns we all had yellow ribbons on as well. During our awards day ceremony we carried yellow roses and presented them to her family. Our class sponsors did not want us to include Kem's memory as much as we did, but it was what we as a class wanted. We left an empty chair for her where she would have sat alphabetically and had black and gold (our school colors) balloons on it. We did the same during our graduation ceremony. We even released balloons and made it part of our ceremony.

Through the years we have occasionally heard rumors of other leads, but they never panned out. Anytime I hear of remains being found in the surrounding area I think of Kem. In a way wanting to know but really for her family. I think someone told me her parents have recently filed legal paperwork to have her declared dead, so that they could have a ceremony. This could very well just be rumor. is 10 years since Kem was last seen. We miss you Kem!

here is a link to the FBI site

Everyone please remember her family as I'm sure this anniversary is not a good one for them.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Be impressed

I'm doing another blog. That makes at least 3 in a week doesn't it? Yea for me. I don't know what I'm going to blog about, but I had nothing else to do so thought, why not blog for my faithful readers.

My neck is killing me. I can't hardly move it. I'm not sure if I slept on it wrong or what but the longer the day has went the more it hurts. I've taken some pain medication and hope it helps. If not I suppose I'll go to the doctor tomorrow.''

A little good news for Wesley, he finally got a transfer. He will now be a replenishment driver instead of an order filler. It doesn't mean that much to me, but it means he doesn't have to lift all the heavy boxes. He won't have to be at work until 7 instead of 5. He will also be less grumpy cause he's least I hope he will be!

Well I guess that's all I have today.

I think I'm going to use 'Stand by' as my signature sign-off----opinions?


Monday, August 6, 2007

We had a great time celebrating Wesley's birthday. I didn't take as many pictures as I should have, but oh well. The weekend started out Friday night with Wesley's sister and her finance coming over for dinner. Saturday I went to watch KP play some church league softball. Lauren ended up playing because they didn't have enough girls. It was some funny stuff. I took pictures, but Lauren has my camera. I'll try to get them on myspace soon. Later Saturday afternoon/early evening, one of Wesley's co-workers/friends came over.

I got some scrappin done while they did boy stuff. All three pages are for a friend's wedding album. Click to make the images bigger.

Sunday we had the Mafia (aka Troy Friends) over for a cook out. It was great fun. I kicked some ass in Guitar Hero II. I also have pictures of that, but again, Lauren has my camera.

I went to the eye doctor this am because I had my only pair of contacts in and don't know how long I had been wearing them. My horrendous eye sight has gotten worse, but I expected it. I am near blind I believe. I'm not actually sure how bad your eyesight has to be to be considered legally blind, but I think I'm close. My contact for my left eye is -9.0 and the right eye is -8.50. For all you non-contact wearers, most people's contacts are between -.25 and -2 or so. There isn't a company that makes color contacts strong enough for me. The bump in strength is taking some getting use to. I've had a headache most of the day and am closing my eyes as I type so I don't have to look at the screen. My eyes are killing me, so I'm going to rest them. Maybe they'll start to feel better and I'll get some more scrappin done later tonight.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Dealthy Hallows

How could I forget to tell my faithful readers about the best book ever. I won't go into details because I don't wanna ruin it for those that haven't finished it. but to sum it up...It is action packed and awesome from the start to the end!

For the Naggers

Here's your blog you naggers....Lauren, Beth and whoever else said i need to blog! I need some feed back from you naggers so I know you read it! That means leave a comment.. uh hum.. beth, lauren uh hum

I'm not sure what I'm blogging about so it will probably be a bunch of rambling. Wesley's birthday is tomorrow so we have a weekend full of activities planned. His sister and her fianace are coming to hang with us tomorrow night. Saturday a guy he works with is coming to hang out and Sunday we are grillin and hangin out with the Mafia (aka our friends from Troy for those not in the know).

I've been a social butterfly as of late. My weekend calender stays filled, so if you wanna get in on the coolness you better let me know ahead of time! Hopefully things will calm down some in the next week or so. I gotta finish some scrappin projects I've started and start packing my stuffy stuff for my Cali trip that will be here before I know it. Only 2 months girls!!

Now it's time for a rant...... why are people so stubborn? I mean why hold grudges
and not get along with people who mean or appear to mean so much to you. Life is too short for that kinda crap. I won't really go into the whole situation but the main point is...GET OVER IT!

I went to the dentist for the first time in as long as I can remember today. I had my teeth cleaned and they are killin me with pain at the moment. I apparantly had build up under by gums, but my teeth are healthy with no cavities. My wisdom teeth are still coming in and the dentist said I had plenty of room for them. There is no need to remove them unless they start to give me trouble. So a good report from the dentist! I have an eye doctor's appointment on Monday. Which is also a dire need. I have my last pair of contact in and they need changing, so it's off to the eye doctor for me. Maybe now they have colored contacts in my prescription, but I doubt it. I'm blind for the most part with out my contact.

okay i'm off to watch Catch and Release with my wonderful husband!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

it's almost friday

Which doesn't really mean anything special but a few days off work. Our get together was fun as always. We missed the Ezells but they thought they needed sleep after being in Destin all weekend. For some reason I didn't take too many picture....unusual, but that's life. I went at midnight on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoneix. It was awesome as I expected it would be. There was a lot from the book left out, but if they had not left it out it would have been a 4+ hour movie. I can't wait for the last book that comes out next weekend 7/21. I'll be in ATL with the girls that day, but no worries I pre-ordered my book and it will be delivered. That'll give Wesley a head start on reading it. I'm sure I'll still finish it before him. I read way faster. Work sucked on Wednesday from lack of sleep, but I survived. I'm off to bed now.....

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Yea for me!

I took and passed my Master level licensure exam. So I am now a L (licensed) C (certified) S (social) W (worker). I'm glad to have the test over. I know several other social workers that have taken the test and not passed, so passing it on the first try is great.

I suppose I haven't blogged in a while. Life keeps getting in the way and I forget to blog. The week of the 4th was quite busy. The weekend prior we went to the Hightower's (well really Nickie's parents) to grill and swim. Me and Kristy kicked Wesley and Matt's asses at some water volleyball. It was good to just hang out with friends that we don't see as often as we'd like. On the 4th I went to Opp to Grandma's then just hung out with Beth and Lauren. Wesley had to work. Then I spend the next few days studying for the licensure...which thankfully paid off.

I'm also in the process of getting a group together to plan our 10 year reunion. It's hard to believe it's been almost 10 years. I think a good group has volunteered and we'll get this thing together in no time. We have our first meeting later tonight.

We (Beth, Lauren and I) have an awesome new friend that we've been hanging out with...Krystan. She's a great addition to the three of us. She is always making me laugh. I look forward to getting to know her and hang out with her more. Speaking of hanging out...she's going with us to our aunt's house in a few weeks. We are just going to hang out cause we know Pam and Ginger miss us! We always have a blast when we go to ATL. I've heard rumors we might catch a Braves game while there. Of course I'll take pictures.

I'm off to do some cleaning. We're having a "Yippee Green's home and it's a good excuse to hang out" thing out our house tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

not much to say

But I thought I'd write anyway. I've come to the decision that I hate folding laundry. I have no problem keeping it washed but the folding is something I'll put off everytime. Now that I said that I've thought of something else to bitch about...stupid ass people. There are varing degrees of stupid people and they all get on my last nerves. Right now particularly I'm talking about people who are lucky enough to have kids and don't appreciate them. Why have children if all you are going to do is push them off on other people and bitch when you have them alone? I just don't understand these people. They also come in varing forms. You have those that take care of their kids when others are around, to keep up a facade of being a good parent. Then there are those that don't give a shit-these are the kind I generally worked with at DHR. At the moment these aren't the ones I'm bitchin about. Some of you know who I am talking about, other's don't know the particular people but I'm sure you know someone like them. If not be glad.

In a little different, I've been asked to expand the area I cover at work. The health departments throughout Alabama are divided into Public Health Areas. I think there are 11 areas throughout the state. I work in area 10 and at the moment cover half the counties in the area. I provide home health social work for the Homecare divisions of these counties. Apparantly our area is shorthanded as far as social workers in general. The social worker that covers the other half of the area has been asked to help out in the clinic part of the health department where 2 of the other workers are about to go on maternity leave. To have her job covered, I've been asked to do the home health social work for the entire area. This is all good, my travel reimbursment will go up cause working in 8 counties is a lot of miles. Gotta love those travel checks! I don't think my work load will increase that much because Simone (the other home health social worker) has only had 17 referrals since April. I've had 13 or so this month alone.

Well that's enough babbling for now--until next time

Monday, June 18, 2007

here's another

For those of you that anxiously await my's you another installment. NOt too much going on since Wednesday. Chrisy (Beth's sister/my cousin) and her family came down Friday. We hung out with them and played some Phase10 and grilled. We even rode the four wheelers some. Saturday I showed Tot (Chrisy's daughter) the basics of scrappin. I hope she's as hooked as I am. Then we went back to Beth's for some more hangin out, four wheeler ridin and grilling. Chrisy and fam went back to Roanoke. Welsey, Beth, Blake, Lauren and I invented rules for Drinkin Phase10, which I must say made the game much more interesting. I think we only made it to Phase 3 or 4 before we were all too toasted to play. If anyone is interested in the rules, let me know and I'll get them to you. Sunday I spelt until 12:30. It was great. Then I went to Beth's in-laws and had some yummy food. Then it was time for more four wheelin. The girls went riding first. Beth, Kim and Lauren were on one four wheeler while me and Monica were on the other. Due to lack of rain it was quite dusty, so we tried to keep our distance. I talked Beth into going on a trail that wasn't so much a trail anymore. It was an intersting adventure to say the least. The adventure was cut short because the guys wanted to ride and I had to come home and get ready to go to Wesley's parents in Troy. Then it was back to Beth's for some more Phase10...the not drunk version.

So to sum it all up, it was a pretty relaxin weekend of hanging out and havin fun.

If you are just super interested, there are pictures on my myspace .

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just for Beth

So I'm not doing as well as I hoped in the blogging everyday. This week has been busy after work. Monday after work Wesley and I went with Beth and Blake to Troy to eat at La Parota. It was yummy. Tuesday it was storming in Elba when I got off work in Enterprise, but by time I got home it had quit raining. Beth and I went to Andalusia to see little Laken in the hospital. I'm not sure who was more pitiful, her or her Susan.

She is doing better and got to come home today. While in Andalusia, we went to Wal-Mart and bought birthday presents for our cousin's kids. Trent's birthday was in May and Teegan's is in July. We missed Trents and Teegan will be in North Carolina for hers. So we dropped by there and suprised them. They both appeared greatful. We also watched Lee and Tamra's wedding video. Since I missed the wedding, I was glad to get to share it with them. Tonight was pretty relaxed. Just hanging out at home. I'm off to post some photo-a-day pictures for the whores. I might even try to get MJ's personal challenge for me done. She has challenged me to go to 2Peas at least once a week and add 5 layouts to my bag of scraps. For you non-scrappers, a bag of scraps is a place that saves the work I like so that I can go back later and "lift" (use and inspiration) it.

I hope you enjoyed this ASSTASTIC blog!

Sunday, June 10, 2007


So I didn't get a post done yesterday. I don't know why because yesterday was a lazy day. I got some scrappin done, but got a little bored with that. I sent out some emails about a class reunion that is approaching fast. Quick question...if my class was to have a 10 year reunion during homecoming, would be have it the 07-08 school year since our senior homecoming was 97-98 or would we wait until the 08-09 school year? Leave me a comment with your opinion.

Well I'm off to try to get some more scrappin done. til next time--

Friday, June 8, 2007


So I'm gonna try to blog everyday. It might not happen, but I'm gonna give it a shot. Not too much exciting going on. We finally have a weekend with no plans. I hope to get some scrappin done. I've got to get an altered item made for my May Secret Sister. I should probably do June while I'm at it, my June girl don't have to wait til mid-July. I've also got to get some pages done for hater circle journals. Kelly, if you read this, be prepared. I'm planning on sending you 3 journals.

Some really exciting news....I'm going to meet some whores in October. I can't wait, a weekend of scrapping with the whores. It will be one of the best birthday presents I've ever given myself!! Druing my trip, I hope to get to see my friend Katie that moved back to Davis, CA last summer.

Well it's back to scrappin for me. I'll try to post some of my work in tomorrow's blog.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

life in the last month

MJ said I needed to blog more because it had been a long time since I last posted a blog, so here it is. I've had a lot going on recently. Let's see... since my last post (May 4th I believe) we had mother day. That was harder than I thought. I don't guess I really prepared for it, but I was bummed most of the day. We did the family thing on Saturday and all was great. Wesley and I just hung out at home and I was super ill. I didn't really think about it and made the comment to Wesley that I didn't know why I was so ill and he pointed out that it was probably cause it was mother's day. It made sense. I teared up several times through the day for no apparent reason, but such is life. I'm sure there will be several more days to come that sneak up on me.

To happier life events. I finished school. I know have my Master's in Social work. I am patiently awaiting the diploma to arrive in the mail. I'm sure I'll take a picture of it and post it on myspace when it arrives. I did not participate in the graduation cermony, but did borrow a cap and gown from a classmate for a photo op. Those pictures are on my myspace as well. Feel free to check them out and leave some comments.

Lauren, my sister, graduated high school. It kinda makes me feel old. I remember dressing her for school cause she didn't want to get out of the bed. She was quit the picky dresser for a 3rd grader! My Brother and his girlfriend, Gina, came up from Tampa for graduation. They brought lots of yummy food with them that Gina's parents prepared. Wesley, Lauren and I then back to Tampa with them for a long weekend. We got there safely despite Tropical Storm Barry. Luckily for us it was just a lot of rain with a little wind, nothing too major. We left Alabama Friday around lunch with plans to meet up with Gina's parents and our Aunt Debbie at the Cheesecake Factory for what I hear is some awesome food. When we arrived at the Cheescake Factory we were told there was an 1.5 hour wait. After wating for about 45 minutes we decide to go to another nearby restaurant. We walk across the mall to Sam Seltzers. Gina's mom called prior to our walking over and told there was no wait. Well we get there and the one table that could accomadate our party was taken. There was a couple that had paid but wasn't leaving. We needed there table to add to ours to have enough room to seat everyone. We finally got seated and had a great meal that Aunt Debbie and Uncle John picked up the tab for. Thanks to them for that wonderful suprise. We had great plans of going out, but due to TS Barry, we decided to stay in. Our Saturday didn't start as early as we had planned, but it was vacation. We hit Downtown Disney and some outlets. Mainly did shoppin on Saturday. Sunday we got up a little earlier, and made it to Universal about 1030. We shut the park down Sunday night. We then headed to the House of Blues for some food and drinks. Being the smart girl that she is, Gina did not go with us and rested up for the next day. Brother and Wesley on the other had got wasted. 5 Jager bombs and several other random drinks tend to do that. Wesley was up most of the night not feel his best. Brother sucked ass most of the day Monday due to still being drunk when he got up. He was a joy to hang out with. We had fun anyway. Monday we went to Islands of Adventure. It was way cooler than Universal Studios. We rode lots of water rides and was soaked several times. Gina made a new friend on the Pop-eye ride. He hit on her and told her all about the ride. We were drenched on this ride. I had to wring out my socks. It sucked being this wet. Luckily this was one of our last stops. Wesley and Gina hit The Hulk and then we headed to Margaritaville for some dry clothes and food. After getting dry and full bellies, we headed back to good ole Alabama. We got to Moms about 11 to drop Lauren off then made it home about midnight.

It was great fun, we are planning to go back in October for Halloween Horror. Anyone interested in going let us know, we are looking into getting villas at the place we stayed. The more that go the cheaper the rooms. The one we stayed at can sleep 12 people.

Friday, May 4, 2007

I've had several things I thought, man I should blog about that. Of course I never get around to it and have forgotten. I'm gonna rant a little today. So I'm liking my new job, but days like today suck ass. I mean I worked my butt off yesterday and today nothing! I guess I'm going to have to do things at a snails pace to keep myself busy. I have a patient to see this afternoon, but it isn't until 430-which means I'll end up working late. I would go see this patient sooner, but it is a child and he has school. Not looking forward to working late. Another thing about work, I mean I know I'm the new kid still, but I sometimes feel left out. Everyone has their little cliques they go to lunch with and what not, but damn how hard is it to every once in a while say, "Hey you wanna go with us". I've made it very clear that I had very little to do today but apparantly that doesn't matter. I can see where the clinic people forget that I'm here because I don't see them everyday. (and I'm not in this office everyday either) So I understand if they don't invite me to go with them. But the people whose offices I walk by a million times a day -- geez how inconsiderate of them. Well that's enough ranting for a while, I'm just feeling left and and still viewed and the new kid I guess.

On another note, does anyone watch Rachel Ray? I've been on her website this morning (again because I had nothing better to do). For those of you that didn't know, she and her crew came to Enterprise and helped put on what I hear was an amazing prom for the seniors. She featured the students, city and prom on her show on April 30th. There is a second part set to air on 5/8. Anyway, she had clips of the show on her website. It was a great contribute to the people of Enterprise. If you have time check it out. I plan to DVR the next show.

I'm out for now--


Sunday, April 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

There is a new trailer out. I can't wait for the movie and I have already pre-ordered the last book. That's all I really wanted to say. I was going to try to post a link to the video, but don't know how....

Thursday, April 19, 2007

At last

We got our tattoos!! We went last night about 6 and didn't get home til right at ten. It took forever becasue he had to drawn Wesley's out and figure out exactly what he was going to put on it. Mine on the other hand was simple. It took about 45 minutes once he started. I almost passed out as he was finishing the outline but was able to re-group and make it through it. Yes Wesley is still laughing at me. I'm going to try to post it here..

In other news....
My friend Tara from New York will be here later today. She should be on a plan as we speak headed this way. It is has been a long time since we saw her and I can't wait to hang out. Now just to get through work today.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

horrible morning

so today hasn't started out so well. The morning was going as usual. I got ready for work and logging on to the internet to check my email and myspace before going to work. I then went to my online bank account to find it over 6,000 in the negative. I know this is totally wrong because I got paid yesterday and Wesley had just deposited a big portion of Madyson's life insurance. I also see overdraft fees. I call the bank and lucky get a nice gentleman to assist me. He sees that it is a bank error and quickly fixes the problem and refunds the fees I've been charged. Well now I'm running a few minutes late. I take the dogs out before I leave as always. Well my dumbass dog, Dixie, decides she wants to play in the cornfields for a while. I call her several times and try to get her to come back inside. I am now completely running late, so I leave her and text Beth to please go let her in later this morning. As I'm leaving Elba headed to Enterprise, I am almost t-boned by a car turning onto the crooked bridge. Luckily I see this idiot coming and am able to swerve into the on-coming traffic lane...again...luckily nothing was coming. I finally make it to work in one peice not too late. Work is slow today, I am completely caught up on all my referrals so I've been reading stuff on the Alabama Department of Public Health's website (not that intersting but making time pass).

On a brighter side, we are suppose to get out tattoos today..for real this time. We were going to go on Friday but the tattoo guy's father-in-law was put in the hospital, so we again waited. If he is unable to do them today, we will have to find somewhere else. I am soo tired of waiting!! For those that asked, I am getting Princess Angel Butterfly. That is what Wesley called Madyson. Originally we were going to get them done on her birthday, but it was a Monday and we were unable to. See my previous blog for that drama. I'll post pictures on myspace when I finally get it. I will scrap the pictures and post the completed LO (layout for all you non-scrappers that may be reading this).

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A bit bummed

I think I said in my last post that we (Wesley and I) were going to get tattoos yesterday for Maddy's birthday. Well we were unable to go yesterday because apparantly tattoo shops and beauty salons are both closed on Mondays. So we go to Troy tonight when I get off work, only to discover that they are already doing a tattoo that will take several hours. Long story short, we have to go back again later this week. It will probably be Friday before we can get them. That kinda bums me out, but at least we will be able to get this week.

Yesterday was not as bad as I expected. Wesley and I just hung out at home all day. Several different times I got emotional, usually when someone sent me a message or I read something someone had written about Maddy. Thanks to all of those that sent encouraging words.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Busy Weekend

So I've been crazy busy this weekend. Friday I was in Montgomery all day for more training for work. When I got home we had friends from Auburn arrive for the weekend. We also had to run to Opp because it was Lauren's senior prom. Normally the Dads dance with the daughters the first dance and the Moms with the sons. Well since my Dad isn't involved Lauren asked Wesley to come dance the first dance with her. It was sweet. The pictures are on Beth's camera, I'll have to get them. I'll them put them on my Myspace page. After the prom we went to Michele and Pauls for Blake's birthday. He was pretty trashed by time we got there.

Saturday started out with David's birthday party. He will be one next Saturday but his mom wanted him to have an Easter party so she did it early. It was a bit sad for me becasue Maddy would be turning one tomorrow. It should have been me having a birthday party yesterday. After the party I helped Beth get ready for Blake's suprise party that turned out not to be a suprise. We grilled and had some adult beverages. It was great hanging out with everyone.

This morning started with Wesley being the Easter Bunny for some of my cousin's kids. Chandler hate the Easter Bunny and might have nightmares because of it. He refused to go back in the house because he felt certain the Bunny was still in there. I then went to Opp to my Grandma's house for some yuumy food. The kids had an Easter egg hunt. Before coming home I went by the cemetary and straightened up the flowers. I picked up some of them because they kept falling over. Wesley and I will probably go back tomorrow as well. It is hard to believe it has been two months.

This is all for now. I'm sure I'll have more to say the closer it gets to 12:30 and Maddy's birthday.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Why did I start this blog when I have one on myspace?

So several of the whores have gotten blogs and several of my other friends have them on blog spot as well. I decided this will be a place I can vent with only the people I want to read them. There are certain individuals that can access my myspace, even though it is a private profile and only my friends can see it. These individuals use people that are my friends to see my stuff. I might post some scrap stuff here, but will probably continue posting that on my myspace blog. This is all I will write for now, I will probably be writing stuff in the next few says as Madyson's birthday approaches.